Translational Trauma Research and Clinical Trials
Traumatic injury is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Despite many advances in care, death from hemorrhage and subsequent organ failure remains a primary cause of early, preventable deaths from injury. We conduct and participate in many clinical trials to improve therapeutics for critically ill and injured patients.
In addition, disordered coagulation, in the setting of injury and shock, termed trauma-induced coagulopathy, is seen in 25% of hemorrhaging and injured patients. Multiple mediators and mechanisms have been targeted to improve outcomes from trauma-induced coagulopathy, but the cellular contributors remain understudied. These cellular contributors include platelets and endothelium and are the focus of the basic and translational trauma research laboratory at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. This program is focused on elucidating the mechanisms and mediators of trauma-induced coagulopathy to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to improve the care of critically injured patients:
Furthermore, recovery following initial stabilization may result in progressive organ failure that may be sustained and termed chronic critical illness. This progressive dysfunction can result in significant morbidity and long-term mortality. Multiple research teams, including collaborations across UCSF and other centers, continue to unravel the mechanisms responsible for helping develop both prognostic and therapeutic interventions to prevent this progression.